
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mac on a PC

I tried to install the Mac OS X on my PC. Although I had more thaN 11 GB of space for the OS X, I still needed more space. So in the end, I gave up on installing a new OS on my PC.

A new verb: To Google

Main Entry:  google1
Part of Speech:  v
Definition:  to search for information about a specific person through the Google search engine

Monday, July 21, 2008

Beat Boxing

I recently found some videos of AMAZING beatboxers.

Here is a video of the amazing Scratcher:

A video of Felix Zenger:

Chinese Beatboxing:

Harmonica & Beatbox:

Monday, July 14, 2008


I went to various shops to look for zippos. The first one was in Promenade Mall, called Things Engraved. 2nd shop: George's Convenience, 3rd shop: Cigars for You.

There were the most zippos at Cigars for You, but there wasn't the model that I wanted. And at Things Engraved, there was the model that I wanted. And so I bought it.

Here is a picture of my new zippo

This zippo was not bought for lighting cigarettes. It was bought for me to add to my collection of interesting and intricate items.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


This morning, I watched WALL.E. It was a very good movie, although not as exciting as the movie I watched before, Wanted.

Movie Trailer of WALL.E:

Misc Videos of WALL.E:

The movie talks about WALL-E, the robot that cleans up all the Earth's garbage. Then he meets a probe robot, Eva. They have an extreme adventure to bring the humans back to live on Earth.

My rating: 8.8/10

New York Trip

I went for 3 days on the trip to New York. We had church meetings and I bought a few things. On the way back, we went to Waterloo Premium Outlet, and bought 2 pairs of shoes.

The 1st pair was a pair of Nike. It's called Nike Court Del Mar. I bought it specialy for my badminton playing.
The 2nd pair was Adidas: Superstar II. I am going to include it in my casual outfit.

Picture of Court Del Mar:

Unfortunately, I could not get a picture of my Adidas Superstar II.