
Monday, June 30, 2008

Mini-Review: Wanted

This is a mini-review for the movie "Wanted", made by me.


Plot: 8.7/10
Computer Graphics: 9.2/10
Acting: 8.8/10

Raing of 10: 8.9/10

*SPOILER ALERT* (The following passages include spoilers. If you want to watch the movie without being spoiled, please "ignore" the passages.)

The beginning of the movie was a little odd. It starts out with the boss of Wesly Gibson, the Soon-to-be assassin. He has panic attacks in which he needs to consume medecine to help calm him down. Whn he was buying his medecine at the drug store, he was told that his father was killed on the tower by an assassin.

When he was introduced to join the Fraternity, the clan of assassins created by a group of weavers, he trained hard so he could terminate the man who killed his father.


A few good things about this movie is the CG (computer graphics) and some of the concepts. The blood and the action was all made with computer graphics, and they came out pretty amazing. The concept of curving a bullet - superb, amazing, excellent.

"If no one ever told you that bullets fly straight, what would you do? Let your instincts guide you." - Sloan
A video of the Bullet Curve:
Explaination: A bullet only curves when the swing travels faster than the bullet, which is impossible with a human arm. There are only slight chances of a bullet curving if the distance was far, and there was a HUGE amount of wind.

In summation, the movie "Wanted" was pretty good. I would give it a rating of 8.9 out of 10.

To readers: You should watch the movie too!

1 comment:

missylo said...

HI Ivan,

wow, you gave the movie a pretty good rating!
I personally would give it a lesser rating.

Perhaps a 7.5-8.0/10.

The plot was really so-so for me. and, some things didn't really make much sense.

Cool info about your bullet curving!

But, overall, I enjoyed the movie, and definitely don't regret watching it!