
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lots of School Work!

Had been an eXtreme busy week... Even only today, I had to do these:

- Physics homework
- Accounting homework
- Economics homework
- English homework
- Study for English Quiz tomorrow
- Study for Chemistry test tomorrow

Man... so much stuff to do. Although I've finished all the homework part, the studying half is the more difficult part.. Let's hope I can do well tomorrow on the test and quiz!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lost my Economics Textbook!

As I was getting ready to go home from school, standing in front of my locker, I suddenly realize that my economics textbook was not in my stack of books.

My textbook looked like this:

I searched my bag, cleaned out my entire locker, went to the classroom & tried to look for it, and even asked my teacher if they had seen it. But it was nowhere to be found.

After that, I went to take piano lesson (it was fun, made me forget about that I lost my textbook). Soon after, I returned home. Upon coming home, I thought it would be a good idea to ask my friends & classmates to see if they had seen my missing textbook.

When I talked to one of them, he (my friend) said he had two in his locker (he goes to the same economics class as I do), and is pretty sure that one of them is mine. When I heard this, a wave of relief washed over me. I must've told him to hold the textbook for me while I went to washroom, then he forgot that it was mine and just stuffed it in his locker.

Thank the Lord that I can get my textbook back instead of having to buy another one!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back from Orangeville Camp

Much enjoyed this camp, and it reminded me of Vancouver World Gathering Camp. I miss Van D:

Messages in this camp were about S.O.S. (i.e. how it was split into 7 parts, and those 7 parts describe the life/steps of a Christian and the relationship with the Lord)

Although S.O.S. was talked about in Vancouver, it was easier to understand the content and meaning at Orangeville =P

On a completely different note, CONCERT COMING UP! On Oct 4th, it is held at Terry Fox Public School. Currently trying to invite a friend to join, but did not receive a reply yet... Hopefully she can attend!

Continue to enjoy the Lord's and Abba's love everyday!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pawned, not pwnd

Pawned by the puppeteer... A story was told by a friend, these images pretty much describe the situation:

Inside the story, Person B was used by Person A, whose ultimate goal was to manipulate Person C (moi). In other words, A, through using B, ultimately manipulated C.

A humorous image of a puppet controlling smaller puppets, but I cannot stress how much this picture describes what happens in the story.

A special story this was, and is never meant to be told again.

All these aside, I can break through all with Him! May I love brothers and sisters more and more, and enjoy & grow in His love everyday with these precious bros/sis'!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Just installed Ubuntu on my X61 Tablet, working great! I'm hoping to use Ubuntu as my main OS, and still tweaking my laptop. Maybe putting Mac on this..

I will keep tweaking my laptop, might continue to post updates about my new laptop features.


Grade 11!!

Haven't posted in my blog for almost 3 months =S
Been prepaing for Grad 11 over the summer,was also helping out at Summer Day Camp.

The first few days of grade 11... I slacked off ._. I didn't take much notes, or didn't put as much effort as I would've liked to. So after the weekend, I will try my hardest in this school year (that includes: way less games, and more studying. Most importantly, keep having a close relationship with God).

And to all my Grade 11 friends, good luck! Hope you all do as well as you'd liked!