
Monday, October 26, 2009

Haliburton Forest, Here I Come!

Going to Haliburton Forest tomorrow, a Gr 11 school trip. The reason for going on this trip is to get the leadership "credit", or something that demonstrates leadership. In order to graduate from my school, I have to have at least 3 of these leadership credits, and my school provides all 3 opportunities :D

For example, in Gr 9 - canoe trip. Gr 10 - dog sledding trip (totally amazing & unforgettable. Would really like to do it again), and Gr 11 is a hiking trip in Haliburton Forest.

It's going to be a high of 8 degrees and low of -2 degrees Celsius... gotta bring a little more clothing, but I only have one bag to fit everything into, including my sleeping bag!

In any case, I've already "trial-packed" my bag, so now I know that everything can fit inside that teenie weenie bag :P

After returning from trip, will definitely write about it, so I don't forget what happened either :P

Friday, October 16, 2009

Machinarium is Released Today (in Europe)

Game called Machinarium is released today (only in Europe though). But, there is a wonderful thing called The Internet, connecting people all over the world, even those from Europe.

So, as usual, I got this game from the internet. Very interesting game, this one. It's a point-and-click adventure, but is mainly based on solving puzzles in order to progress farther into the game.

Here is a trailer of it to give a general idea of the game:

Also, just finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare today. Epic ending and supreme and outstanding plot. It runs two plots at the same time, having the player control of "Soap" MacTaverish, a soldier in 22nd SAS; and Sergeant Paul Jackson, part of USMC 1st Force Recon. The gameplay starts, at first, with SAS (British army) and USMC (American army) on its own operations. But near the last 1-2 hours of the game, they join forces and have "Joint Operations." I especially enjoyed those, as I see SAS and USMC working together to stop a leader of the Russian Ultranationalist party, Imran Zakhaev.

(After I finished the game, I thought to myself, No wonder this game was rated 9.2)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Got my Accounting Test

Just received my accounting test on Unit 1 today, got 98% :D

It was much higher than I expected, and I'm very content with this mark. Hopefully I'll continue to do just as well in other subjects :P

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back from Utica trip

I went to Utica on Saturday, came back yesterday (Sunday) at 11 p.m. My family and I attended the trip mainly to look at maple leaves. The itinerary also said that we will ride a steam train on Sunday to look at the leaves. We thought it meant that we take the train to a place, get off, then we walk around to see the leaves. It turns out that we're supposed to see the leaves on the train (while the train is moving >.>)

It wasn't as bad as I thought though, because surprisingly, it was I who took lots of pictures (not my dad.) We also went to Waterloo Outlet Mall on Saturday, and I bought a lot of stuff, mainly for my school trip near the end of October.

Overall, it was a great experience, although I'd have to say that it would've been much better if we walked around to take pictures of maple leaves (rather than having compete with the motion of the train.)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

In a Holiday Inn North of Syracuse

I'm at a Holiday Inn Express right now north of Syracuse. (I'm on a trip.) Luckily, there was a computer with free internet in the main lobby of the inn. Tomorrow, the tour group will get on the bus and travel to train station. From there, we travel via stream train :D

The stream train will take us to a place with lots of Maple Leaves :) And of course, my dad will take lots of picture (and maybe I will too)

Time to head back to hotelroom,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Too Busy

Hadn't been able to post due to extreme business. There are 2 tests tomorrow, 1 formative assessment due also tomorrow, and an extremely big English assignment due this Friday. I had to write about Jazz in editorial style for the assignment, and I found it really difficult because I had been writing essays (non-opinionated) all my life D:

But fortunately, I had help from several friends, and big help from one of them who majored in english :D

Anyhow, have to get back to economics homework and study for accounting & econ test tomorrow.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Who Affects The Lord Most? Gospel concert

Had a wonderful gospel concert today, although the friend that I invited couldn't attend :(

It was fun and I very much enjoyed the songs. There was a bassist, guitarist, alto-saxophonist, pianist, and a few percussionists. Was very fun.

Next time another gospel concert comes, I'll invite more friends :D

Saturday, October 3, 2009

6 Sacred Stones - by Matthew Reilly

Just finished 6 Sacred Stones at 1 a.m. in the morning on Friday night =P (It was too good of an action-thriller to put the book down)

The 6 Sacred Stones can be considered the sequel to 7 Deadly Wonders, both having the main character as Jack West Jr. Jack West is ex-Australian SAS, and was the top 5 soldiers of the world (the lone Australian among Americans). After he left SAS, he used his skills to hunt for treasures over the globe.

In 7 Deadly Wonders, Jack West and his team (there are eight teammates, together they were known as the Nine), had to collect treasures housed in the Seven Ancient Wonders. These 7 treasures were the vital components to stopping an Egyptian prophecy-the ending of the world during the Tartarus Sunspot. After he had successfully, though through many many difficulties, stopped the world from being destroyed, another (and much bigger) threat was introduced in The 6 Sacred Stones.

The 6 Sacred Stones describes the Sun's "evil twin", the Dark Sun, that will eventually destroy Earth. How? It is basically a black hole -- that moves. In the beginning of the book, several hieroglyphs and ancient inscriptions at the site of each stone were pieces to solving the puzzle of this Dark Sun. One of the inscriptions had a circle and 10 rings surrounding it. The characters in the book had proposed that it represented our solar system (but it couldn't because there's 10 rings. We only have 9 planets.) Later in the book, it was revealed that the 10th planet was eaten and destroyed by the moving Dark Sun.
Soon, the Dark Sun will reach Earth, and the only way to end its power is to take the 6 pillars to 6 vertices in different locations of earth. Together, they will generate enough power to stop the moving Black Hole.

Side note:
6 pillars & 6 vertices? What? Another one of the ancient symbols displays a picture of The Machine, which will ultimately stop the end of the world. It is a large circle with 6 lines. One end of each line points toward the centre of the circle, and the other end points toward the perimeter (the space between each line is equal, so think of it was cutting a pie into 6 equal proportions.) This Machine is actually Earth itself! In order to activate the Machine, pillars (gigantic diamonds in the shape of a rectangular prism) had to be set in place at each verticle.

The 6 Sacred Stones only goes up to the 2nd Pillar and Verticle, since Jack West Jr. falls down a pit connected to the core of the earth in order to set the 2nd Pillar in place.

At the end of the book, there was an interview with the author. Right off the bat, the first question was: "How can you let Jack West fall down a pit and die?" Reilly stated that he wanted to write a novel that is different from others, one that stands out the most. (And he did it very well.) To achieve this, he had made an extremely big cliffhanger at the end of the book, making his readers wait for the 3rd book that continues the story of Jack West Jr.

And I too, am waiting for the publication of the newest Jack West Jr. series book. (How will West get out of the pit?!, I thought to myself as I was reading the interview)

On a completely different note, for those of you who had enough patience to read through the entire post, I have to say so myself: This post was long. Really long. But the book by Matthew Reilly was longer. Not only have I read 7 Deadly Wonders and 6 Sacred Stones, I have also read (the Shane Schofield series): Ice Station, Scarecrow, and Area 7.
To those who like to read action-adventure-thriller novels, I recommend Matthew Reilly to you. He will keep you at the edge of your seat until you are done with his book-guaranteed.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Economics Test results

I had an economics test on Monday, and it was 12 full pages of fun :)
First half of the test were multiple choice questions (some of them included analyzing graphs in order to answer the question), and the other half were short answer questions. Originally, and test was out of 50, but then it was changed to be out of 53 - more marks, making mistakes worth less (in my opinion) :)

So today I received my quiz, and was very shocked :O (oh no!) it was 51... Percent? No.
It was 51... out of 53! :D

Very happy and very proud of it, I got a -stunning- 96% =D YAY

The two marks that were taken off were actually from the multiple choice questions, and both of them tricked my mind D:
But even though, I was very content with my mark, and will try to get a higher one when the next test comes around!