
Monday, February 23, 2009

High on Air?

So today, I went home and, as usual, started to see if there's any homework I didn't do. I couldn't think of any so I started chatting with my friends through MSN (Kristie, Iggy, Phil)

So then suddenly, a classmate in my History class (Matt N.) asks "Yo, do you know what do for the history project dur this thursday?"
And I was saying, "There's a project? Due THURSDAY?!"
"Yea man."
"When did he tell us?"
"He was snake and emailed it, like how he emailed the questions on the test to us last time, when no one checked their email."
"Oh, that *BEEP* *BEEP*. Imma start."
"Kk, cya later"

After this, I started telling my other history classmates about the project (whom had no idea about it, just like me >=D). Then we started working on it together, talking about the analyization and all the stuff I gotta do.

But then, maybe due to too much adrenaline rush, I started getting hyper and a little bit out of hand. So then my friend who worked with me suggested, "Are you alright? You seem.. different."
And I replied with: "I'm high. On air. I need more sugarr."
But then he acted as if he ignored be and continued to drone on about the project.

So I was talking to Kristie for a while, and I told her how I think im high on air.. and she replied "Just like my bestfriend =D"

And I thought to myself, "Cool. I'm not the only who can go high on oxygen >=D"

Goodtimes goodtimes

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