
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve!!

Yay, it's New Years Eve! Right now, I'm at Winson's house, and a sister will come pick me up at around 10 p.m. to head over to Jansky's house for countdown. In a blink of an eye, it has already been a year. I'm very grateful for the year of 2009 -- the Vancouver trip, being able to deeply experience the Lord & Abba, and, most importantly, getting baptized!! :D

Some goals for 2010 are to perform in gospel concerts and bring at least 1 friend into church.

And I found another drawing :D It's titled "Sin's Pride"

Pretty amazing, in my opinion. I'm especially impressed with the Avenger stars (the things that he's holding in his hands.) I wish I can draw like them...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh man, more drawings

I found another EPIC drawing on BasilMarket. It portrays the 2nd Legendary class, Evan. Evans control dragons, and rather than spells being activated by the characters themselves, they are activated by the dragon.

Here is the picture (the dragon is in its 4th and final stage -- it grows as the character rises in level):

Another one picture I found was at a friend's house (the one whom I played L4D2 at). It's Pikachu :D

Don't you think this picture is just... "LOLWUT"? If you are having a bad day, just take a look at this picture. I'm sure it'll turn your frown upside down.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Left 4 Dead 2!

I went over to a friend's house and played some COD :MW2 and mostly L4D2. I found the online play for both of them fun and amusing, but more in L4D2 (when I play with people who know what they're doing.) Some modes in L4D are fun and interesting, like being able to play as the Infected (zombies), but in order to be effected when infected -- organization within the team is REQUIRED. Otherwise, since the zombies die so easy, the infected team will just "fail." On the other hand, when playing as the Survivors (humans), not as much organization is needed, but communication is still necessary.

It is extremely fun to play with those who care about their teammates and know what they are doing. When you are down (knocked down by a zombie), the other team members are nice enough, or care enough, to come back and get you. When playing with those who don't know where to go/what to do, they're mostly busy with shooting zombies until the their entire screen is cleared (which can never happen, as zombies spawn at a constant rate). As such... they don't come get you until near death.

Overall, I think L4D2 is really fun, especially when playing with friends -- since you know that they will come back for you if you need help.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Avatar - in 3D!

Watched Avatar (not the Airbender) with a bunch of brothers and sisters in Noah group. We saw it at Fairview, since 3D is available there. I thought the plot was good, and the graphics were nice as well. The 3D weren't full-out 3D though, just layers each film a little. Overall, I'd want more of these movies -- they are fun to watch, and suck you right into the movie itself. Sidenote: I would love to have one of those bird thingies.

Also, I heard that it took 8-10 years to completely film Avatar.. I wonder if that is a fact or a myth -I'm gonna search it up on Wikipedia now.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

It's Christmas time -- Yay!! Wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays! And wanted to post some more drawings I saw (actually done by my school friend). Both drawings are based on MS characters, but they look nothing like them :P

*Note: click pictures to view at full resolution

Portrate: by Michelle
Pirate Jing: by Nathan (my school friend) and Michelle

The drawing of Pirate Jing reminds me so much of Wind Waker from Legend of Zelda.

Wind Waker

And Nathan told me that he draw the outlines of Jing, while Michelle did the coloring. I think it looks fabulous overall, and quite interesting - the style that he uses.

I will go over to my friend's house for dinner/party. My parents say that they planned a "sleepover" at their house because they will drink ._. I thought to myself: can't you just wait an hour or two until you sober up...? But we'll see how it goes. Hope everyone has a great holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ryu Ho - a Lvl 200 Aran mount

*Note: click on picture to view at full resolution

A drawing of Ryu Ho (of course not done by me), a lvl 200 [wolf] mount in MS. I saw this drawing on a MS-forum that I visit frequently, and wanted to post it to my blog. Many other artists commented on how she (Mandy Lee, the artist) perfectly blends the blue and indigo hues. Others praise that she does an extremely amazing job drawing/coloring the fur on its neck. I think it is amazing -- one of the best animal-drawing ever seen.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On Holiday Break~

Currently in the library typing this blog entry, lol. Decided to go to the library during the Christmas holidays instead of staying home (both my dad and I wanted to get out of the house :P)
I just recieved my report card yesterday, before I went snowboarding with some of my church friends. My average was 91.1 -- the highest I've ever gotten on a report card! =D I was extremely happy with my grades. Hope to continue to keep my marks like this.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Yay! Dec 13th, 2009.. an extremely important date in my life -- my baptism date!
After believing for about 8 years, I'm finally baptized!! Let's all continue to grow in Lord's love everyday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Parents back from Cuba!

Parents just got back from Cuba (special trip for them) on Dec 1st midnight.
While they were gone, I was sleeping over at a friend's house (for a week :D goodtimes). It was very fun and exciting, enjoyed staying with them very much. I hoped that I could stay over at their house longer :P

While at their house (Joseph's), I downloaded 2-3 songs; one of them Don't Stop Believing (Glee cast version). Joe listened to it the night it was downloaded, and (I think) it became his second-favorite song :P

Aside from spending time with Joe, I also played lots of Wii, namely Brawl and Mario Kart, with his 2 sisters. Very very fun. AND I helped them unlock all characters on Brawl... *that was fun :)*

My parents brought quite a bit of souvenirs, and one of them was for me :) It was a box with my name written on the front, and when the box is opened, a Spanish phrase is inscribed on the inner side of the lid. Thought I did take Spanish from Gr 7 to Gr 10, I still can't make out the phrase -.-'

Overall it was extremely fun, both for me and my parents, and this trip was pretty interesting -- staying over at a friend's house for a week :O