
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Avatar - in 3D!

Watched Avatar (not the Airbender) with a bunch of brothers and sisters in Noah group. We saw it at Fairview, since 3D is available there. I thought the plot was good, and the graphics were nice as well. The 3D weren't full-out 3D though, just layers each film a little. Overall, I'd want more of these movies -- they are fun to watch, and suck you right into the movie itself. Sidenote: I would love to have one of those bird thingies.

Also, I heard that it took 8-10 years to completely film Avatar.. I wonder if that is a fact or a myth -I'm gonna search it up on Wikipedia now.


missylo said...

Glad to hear that you liked it!!

Let me know if James Cameron did take that long to complete the movie. I've read up about it, but no solid conclusion because it's been a little more than 10 years since James Cameron's last movie, Titanic. Just because he hasn't released something in ten years doesn't necessarily mean that he's worked ten years on avatar, but it might.

You didnt get a headache? I caught Avatar on the 2D version (i didnt want to be sitting in the first three rows in the 3D theatre).

Anyhow, if you like Avatar, you nee to watch James Cameron's other movies: the ALIEN series. Signourney Weaver stars in the other ones (Grace from Avatar).

[飛] said...

No, luckily, we had mid-row seats. So it was all good :D