
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chinese School - The Chinese Zodiac

In chinese school today, we watched a movie that talks about the chinese zodiac.

The Zodiac was formed when the Jade Emperor (Chinese version of God) found out that the people on the earth has no method of keeping track of time. To solve this, the Jade Emperor decided to have a registration for the Zodiac, but only 12 animals are eligible to sign up. Also, babies that are born during the year of the animal shall obtain the animal's qualities. The animals had to be of good use to people in order to be qualified for registration.

This question might arouse in your mind: Then how did the Rat get in?

Well, after an animal was qualified, they place their foot/paw/claw into the Zodiac Book as a signature. When the Owl was just about to place his claw onto the page, the rat fell from the sky and landed on the book. In the end, the Rat took Owl's spot.

This is how the order came to place: After the 12 animals were registered, they raced to the Celestial Palace for their order.

Finishing Order:
1st Place - Rat
2nd Place - Ox
3rd Place - Tiger
4th Place - Rabbit
5th Place - Dragon
6th Place - Snake
7th Place - Horse
8th Place - Goat
9th Place - Monkey
10th Place - Rooster
11th Place - Dog
12th Place - Pig

Descriptions, qualities and personalities of each animal will be posted according to their order, beginning from the last to the first.

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