
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tempest (Or Temptest, as my Mom would say)

Every heard of it? A famous and widely known play of Shakespeare. It's believed that it is the last one that Shakespeare wrote by himself. Maybe that's why it's so dam hard to understand.

Quote: "I must uneasy make lest too light winning make the prize light." (-Prospero, Act 1 Scene 2)

What's that mean..?

My tutor at Oxford Learning Centre told me that The Tempest was a play that was studied in university. I was a little afraid when I heard this, but she was glad that there's a change in the school's academic programs.

I lost my copy of The Tempest somehow, although I'm sure I saw it in the delivery box along with all the other textbooks that I needed for the year. So, I had to borrow my brother's copy from church. Luckily, the LORD had saved that copy for me and had lent it to me for the year. Since this copy, which looks like this:

Since this book was not even in the Chapters or !ndigo website, I assume that it was the most advanced version. Why is it so advanced, you ask? Well, there are footnotes in there. Footnotes that define each word that has a special meaning or a pun to it. Another thing about the footnotes, it's on every single page. Also covers at least 1/4 of the page, I've seen footnotes that cover 3/4 of the page and leaves very few actual lines of the play.

That concludes my Tempest session for today. More to come!

*Note: no one ever reads my blog anyway!

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